NDWS National Dementia Workforce Study
Pilot Grant Awardee - Cycle 1 Funded Projects
We are excited to announce the inaugural recipients of NDWS annual pilot grant competition. The six innovative studies will contribute valuable insights to address critical gaps in current dementia workforce research. One of our very own PIs has been selected as a recipient for the NDWS Pilot Grant Awardee, Elyse Couch, PhD (Co-PIs Emmanuelle Belanger, PhD). Projects were chosen from a large pool of 71 applications from established and emerging researchers nationwide. Proposals were evaluated by a team of reviewers, including NDWS co-investigators and consultants, using NIH review criteria. Reviewers also considered alignment with the NIA AD+ADRD Research Implementation Milestones, which NDWS survey(s) would be used, the use of linked data, and the potential for subsequent funding.