Center for Gerontology & Healthcare Research
Recent Announcements
See all CGHCR announcementsPilot Grant Awardee - Cycle 1 Funded Projects
We are excited to announce the inaugural recipients of NDWS annual pilot grant competition. The six innovative studies will contribute valuable insights to address critical gaps in current dementia workforce research. One of our very own PIs has been selected as a recipient for the NDWS Pilot Grant Awardee, Elyse Couch, PhD (Co-PIs Emmanuelle Belanger, PhD). Projects were chosen from a large pool of 71 applications from established and emerging researchers nationwide. Proposals were evaluated by a team of reviewers, including NDWS co-investigators and consultants, using NIH review criteria. Reviewers also considered alignment with the NIA AD+ADRD Research Implementation Milestones, which NDWS survey(s) would be used, the use of linked data, and the potential for subsequent funding.
Pilot Grant Awardee - Cycle 1 Funded Projects
We are excited to announce the inaugural recipients of NDWS annual pilot grant competition. The six innovative studies will contribute valuable insights to address critical gaps in current dementia workforce research. One of our very own PIs has been selected as a recipient for the NDWS Pilot Grant Awardee, Fangli Geng, PhD (Co-PIs Pedro Gozalo, PhD). Projects were chosen from a large pool of 71 applications from established and emerging researchers nationwide. Proposals were evaluated by a team of reviewers, including NDWS co-investigators and consultants, using NIH review criteria. Reviewers also considered alignment with the NIA AD+ADRD Research Implementation Milestones, which NDWS survey(s) would be used, the use of linked data, and the potential for subsequent funding.
December 18, 2024
News from SPH
Evaluating Music & Memory
For older patients with dementia, can beloved music from their teenage years provide comfort in moments of anxiety and stress? Professor Ellen McCreedy studied a personalized music intervention’s power to improve the quality of life for older adults with Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias.
November 19, 2024
News from Brown
$13 million grant to Brown to enable research on impact of health policies on people with Alzheimer's
Researchers from Brown University’s School of Public Health will lead a federal grant to address urgent health policy gaps for people living with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
Call for Applications: CHAIRS-C Pilot Grant Program
We are pleased to announce the availability of pilot grants through a new center planning grant, CHAIRS-C. The aim of the CHAIRS-C pilot grant program is to stimulate research at Brown in climate change and health.
See all announcements from CGCHR
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